Sushi Roll with Ulva 

This sushi roll does not contain any fish. Instead, it is made with Ulva 


  • nori sheets
  • 2-3 cups of precooked sushi rice.
  • fresh Ulva 
  • beetroot cut into small squares.
  • toasted sesame seeds
  • 3 tbsp. of white vinegar
  • 1 tbsp. of powdered sugar
  • A pinch of salt


  1. Note that the rice needs to be hot.
  2. Add the vinegar, powdered sugar, and salt to the rice. Mix well and let it cool.
  3. Add the chopped Ulva, beetroot, and toasted sesame seeds to the rice.
  4. Open a Sushi rolling mat and place a nori sheet on top of the mat. Then create a sushi roll.
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